Data Inspired Insights

Tag: machine learning

Why the ‘boring’ part of Data Science is actually the most interesting

For the last 5 years, data science has been one of the world’s hottest professions, but it is also one of the most poorly defined. This can be seen on any career website, where advertisements for ‘Data Scientist’ positions describe everything from what used to be a simple data analyst role, to technical, PhD-only, research positions working on artificial intelligence or autonomous cars.

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Data Science: A Kaggle Walkthrough – Creating a Model

This article is Part VI in a series looking at data science and machine learning by walking through a Kaggle competition. If you have not done so already, you are strongly encouraged to go back and read the earlier parts – (Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV and Part V).

Continuing on the walkthrough, in this part we build the model that will predict the first booking destination country for each user based on the dataset created in the earlier parts.

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Data Science: A Kaggle Walkthrough – Adding New Data

This article is Part V in a series looking at data science and machine learning by walking through a Kaggle competition. If you have not done so already, you are strongly encouraged to go back and read the earlier parts – (Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV).

Continuing on the walkthrough, in this part we take the data from sessions.csv that we left aside initially and add it to the transformed and expanded data from Part IV.  This part will cover, in brief, all the steps in Parts II – IV.

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Data Science: A Kaggle Walkthrough – Data Transformation and Feature Extraction

This article on data transformation and feature extraction is Part IV in a series looking at data science and machine learning by walking through a Kaggle competition. If you have not done so already, you are strongly encouraged to go back and read Part I, Part II and Part III.

Continuing on the walkthrough, in this part we focus on getting the data we cleaned in Part III ready for use in the classification algorithm. These steps are often referred to as data transformation and feature extraction.

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Data Science: A Kaggle Walkthrough – Introduction

This article on understanding the data is Part I in a series looking at data science and machine learning by walking through a Kaggle competition. The other parts in this series can be found here.

In a futile attempt to shed some light on the field of Data Science, I have put together a multi-part series looking at what data science involves and some of the techniques most commonly used. This series is not intended to make everyone experts on data science, rather it is intended to simply try and remove some of the fear and mystery surrounding the field. In order to be as practical as possible, this series will be structured as a walk through of the process of entering a Kaggle competition and the steps taken to arrive at the final submission.

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